Galician type of footwear is made generally of a piece of wood. Were used and are still used to rurral areas in the north of Spain (Galicia, Asturias, Catabria and […]
Galician type of footwear is made generally of a piece of wood. Were used and are still used to rurral areas in the north of Spain (Galicia, Asturias, Catabria and […]
Klomp (clogs) – wooden shoes, which are made of willow and poplar, willow does not pass water. Klomps are warmer and drier than rubber boots. Clogs – wooden shoes, which […]
From Swat, Pakistan – beautiful wooden shoes with carved patterns, Darden, living area Torwali – Bahrain.
It is the name of India’s oldest, most quintessential ceremonial footwear. It is little more than a sole with a post and knob, which is engaged between the big and […]
Leather and wood. Leather sanadals protecting feet from hot sand. United Arab Emirates, Dubai, 19th cent.
Wood and leather. 21st cent. Nazarre, Portugal.
Traditional galician shoes. Northern Spain. Leather and wood. It is used both for work in the field and for dancing.
Lapti are the traditional bast shoes of the Russian peasants. The word lapti apparently originated from the word “lapa”, which meant “foot” in old times, and now means paw. Until […]